[vssmge] issmge information digest december 2015

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Thành viên cơ bản
Dear Member Society officer,

Please visit the ISSMGE website – [url]www.issmge.org[/URL] for full details of all ISSMGE activities.

  1. ISSMGE Webinars
Speaker Date Title
Samuel I.K Ampadu (Ghana) 14 December 2015 Characterizing lateritic soils

Click here for a full list of previously recorded ISSMGE webinars

  1. ISSMGE Bulletins
Edition Website
Volume 9, Issue 5 October 2015 www.issmge.org/en/resources/issmge-bulletin/784-vol-9-issue-5-october-2015

Volume 9, Issue 6 is due to be published in mid-December. It will be available from www.issmge.org/en/resources/issmge-bulletin

  1. Events
Location Event Date Information
Rome, Italy XIV Arrigo Croce Lecture Friday, 11 Dec 2015 10:30 am Prof. Sarah M. Springman (ETH, Zurich): “Lessons learnt for geotechnical engineering practice from field case histories and centrifuge modelling” Contact: AGI Secretariat: agi@associazionegeotecnica.it.

  1. Conferences

For a listing of all ISSMGE and ISSMGE supported conferences - click here. New conferences/changes added since the last circular are listed below:
· 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure: Protection, Design, Rehabilitation; 28-30 June 2016, Chania, Crete, Greece iconhic2016.com
· Change of date: 13 Baltic States Geotechnical Conference, 22-24 September 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania (www.13bsgc.lt)
· V South American Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference - SAYGEC/GEOJOVEM 2016, 20[SUP]th[/SUP] October 2016, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (cobramseg2016.com.br/)
· GeoMEast International Conference, 15-19 July 2017, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt - www.geomeast2017.org

5. ISSMGE Foundation
Please note that the next deadline for receipt of applications for awards from the ISSMGE Foundation is the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] February 2016. Click here for further information on the ISSMGE Foundation

6. ISRM Online Lectures
The 12th ISRM Online Lecture was delivered by Professor Ove Stephansson with the title “Rock Stress and Stress Fields”. This lecture was broadcast on 12 November at 10 a.m. GMT, and is available from www.isrm.net/gca/?id=1219.
Best wishes,
Paloma Peers

Paloma Peers
Administrative Officer
City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

Phone: +44 (0)20 7040 8154
Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8832
Kính mời anh chị em tham dự Hội thảo về phương pháp trộn Xi-măng đất tổ chức tại Trường ĐHXD vào chiều thứ Ba tuần tới, xem chi tiết trong file đính kèm.

Trân trọng,

TS. Phùng Đức Long,
Chủ Tịch Hội Cơ Học Đất và Địa Kỹ Thuật Công Trình Việt Nam
Mobile: +84 904 188 117
Mail: phung.long@gmail.com
